

Fontana, Lorraine Papers

Span Dates: 1947-2014
Bulk Dates: 1968-2010
Volume: 53.3 cubic feet


These papers chronicle Fontana's school and college days in Queens, New York, her interests in spirituality, and her career as a civil rights and LGBT activist. Among the many other social justice causes there are significant records of Unitarian Universalists plus records and/or publications of Soulforce, Al Faitiha, Friends, and the conference "Whose Beloved Community?" (2014).

Hist/Bio Note

Born in Queens, New York, in 1947, Lorraine Fontana became an anti-war activist and supporter of the Civil Rights movement early in life. After joining VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) in 1968, she came to Atlanta, and together with other feminists, founded the Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance (ALFA - 1972 to 1994), and later DARII (Dykes for the Second American Revolution). She trained at the People's College of Law in Los Angeles (1976-79) and went on to work with the National Jury Project, Georgia Legal Services, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) in New York City (October 1999 to January 2004), and Georgia's Lambda Legal Education Defense Fund (2006-2012). She was a member of the short-lived Queer Progressive Agenda (QPA), and is currently a supporter of First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta's Social Justice Guild, the Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition, Charis Books, the Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace, SAGE Atlanta, and Southerners on New Ground.

Finding Aid

An online inventory is available.


This collection is housed at Georgia State University Library Special Collections.


Al-Fatiha | Atlanta | Unitarian Universalist | Friends/Quakers | Georgia