

Here are ways that you can help LGBTQ-RAN preserve our voices and stories for future generations.  

  1. Subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter and stay informed on the progress of the LGBTQ Religious Archives Network's work in preserving LGBTQ religious history.
  2. Share information about LGBTQ-RAN and its website with friends and colleagues you think are interested in LGBT religious history.  
  3. Submit a Remembrance of someone in the Profiles Gallery with whom you have had significant experience or connection thereby adding to the historical record about that person.  
  4. Inform us about records from LGBTQ religious movements currently in archives or records that you think should be placed in a repository.  Also tell us about researchers or scholars working in this area of study.
  5. Volunteer to assist with writing a biographical profile, recording an oral history interview, or gathering artifacts for an online exhibition.  LGBTQ-RAN can provide training and guidance.
  6. Make a financial gift to support the work of the LGBTQ-RAN online with your credit card. Contributions can also be sent to: LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, P.O. Box 408565, Chicago, IL 60640. Call Executive Director Mark Bowman at 773-316-8892 to talk about how to arrange a major or designated gift. 
  7. Pass on any ideas or suggestions that would enhance LGBTQ-RAN’s efforts to preserve LGBTQ religious history around the world.  

CONTACT Coordinator Mark Bowman at mark@lgbtqreligiousarchives.org