
Collections Catalog

This Collections Catalog identifies more than 450 primary source collections from or about LGBTQ+ religious organizations or activists. Most, but not all, collections listed in this catalog are held in public archives and are open for research to everyone. Each catalog entry describes the collection and includes a link to the holding repository and a link to the online finding aid if available. 

  • View tagged collections:
  • Faith
    • Anglican Church of Canada
    • Atheisim
    • Baptist
    • Baptist (American Baptist/USA)
    • Baptist (Southern)
    • Buddhist
    • Catholic (Eucharistic)
    • Catholic (Evangelical/Syrian-Chaldean)
    • Catholic (Independent Catholic Church of Americas (ICCA))
    • Catholic (Old Catholic Church)
    • Catholic (Orthodox Episcopal)
    • Catholic (Roman)
    • Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    • Christian Science (officially Church of Christ, Scientist)
    • Christ's Community Church (Australia)
    • Church of England (Anglican)
    • Church of God
    • Church of the Brethren
    • Eastern Orthodox
    • Ecumenical
    • Episcopal Church
    • Evangelical
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
    • Friends/Quakers
    • Gay Spirituality
    • Hindu
    • Islam
    • Islam (Progressive)
    • Jewish (ethnic, Reform, Reconstructionist, Orthodox)
    • Jewish (Orthodox)
    • Jewish (Reconstructionist)
    • Jewish (Reform)
    • MCC
    • Mennonite Church USA
    • Methodist (AME, African Methodist Episcopal Church)
    • Methodist (UMC, United Methodist Church)
    • Mormon (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
    • Native American Spirituality
    • Neo-Pagan/New Age Movements/Occultism/Spirituality
    • Pentecostal
    • Presbyterian Church (USA)
    • Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
    • Reformed (Netherlands)
    • Reformed Church in America (RCA)
    • Scientology
    • Unitarian Universalist
    • United Church of Canada
    • United Church of Christ/Congregational Church
    • WICCAN
    • Women's spirituality
  • Person
    • Abels, Paul
    • Abush, Johnny
    • Anderson, James D.
    • Arehart, Charles Richard
    • Avery, James Edward
    • Barnett, Jeanne
    • Barrett, Ellen
    • Bell, Jay
    • Birchard, Roy
    • Bowman, Mark
    • Boyd, Malcolm
    • Bradley, Raymond H. Jr.
    • Broshears, Raymond
    • Bryant, Anita
    • Byers, Pam
    • Cardarelli, Richard
    • Chadwick, Joanne
    • Charlton, Ellie
    • Chellew-Hodge, Candace
    • Cherry, Kittredge
    • Chiarelli, Charles
    • Clement, Robert M.
    • Collins, Michael
    • Coulter, Hugh
    • Creech, Jimmy
    • Crew, Louie
    • Cromey, Robert Warren
    • Day, Ann B.
    • DeGruchy, Steve
    • Dell, Gregory
    • DeSantis, Robert
    • Donaldson, Stephen
    • Durham, Lewis
    • Egan, Ed
    • Evans, Arthur
    • Fado, Don
    • Fullerton, Arthur
    • Gearhardt, Sally Miller
    • Germond, Paul
    • Gittings, Barbara
    • Glaser, Chris
    • Gore, Susan
    • Gramick, Jeannine
    • Griesinger, Jan
    • Grimes, Bruce
    • Gunnison, Foster
    • Hansen, Ed
    • Harrison, Beverly Wildung
    • Hay, Harry
    • Herman, Erwin
    • Heyward, Carter
    • Hill, Anita
    • Holbrook, Leona
    • Hope, Glenda
    • Humphreys, Laud
    • Hunt, Mary E.
    • Hunthausen, Raymond
    • Huskey, Richard
    • Hutchins, Loraine
    • Itkin, Michael
    • Johnson, William Reagan
    • Jones, Clinton
    • Kaiser, Geoffrey
    • Keith, Jeff
    • Kepner, Jim
    • LaFortune, Richard (Anguksuar)
    • Lahusen, Kay Tobin
    • Leggett, Gene
    • Lewallen, Elinor
    • Lewis, Chuck
    • Leyland, Winston
    • Lopata, Casey and Mary Ellen
    • Lucas, Donald
    • Lyon, Phyllis
    • Makalani-MaHee, Bishop S.F.
    • Martin, Del
    • Mattson, Ron
    • McNaught, Brian
    • McNeill, John J.
    • Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey
    • Monroe, Irene
    • Moore, John V.
    • Murri, Ina Mae
    • Neu, Diann L.
    • Nichols, Jack
    • Nugent, Robert
    • O'Donovan, Connell Hill
    • Olivieri, Michael
    • Perry, Troy
    • Piazza, Michael
    • Powers, Jeanne Audrey
    • Pruitt, Dusty
    • Robertson, Frank
    • Rodwell, Craig
    • Silver, William (Bill)
    • Sindt, David
    • South, Kenneth
    • Spahr, Jane Adams
    • Spitzer, Julie
    • Spong, Shelby
    • Spretnak, Charlene
    • Suderman, Dale
    • Thompson, Mark
    • Tinker, Bonnie
    • Tinney, James
    • Toy, Jim
    • Treadway, Leo
    • Venn-Brown, Anthony
    • Warren, Howard
    • Wells, Howard
    • Wheatley, Bishop Melvin
    • Wheatly, Robert
    • White, Mel
    • Wilcox, Dan Milton Hughes
    • Williams, Cecil
    • Wood, Robert
    • Ziegler, Karen
    • Zykek, Fredrick, J.
  • Subject
    • Activist (religious institutions)
    • AIDS
    • Ally
    • Artist/musician/poet
    • Asian American
    • Author/editor
    • Bisexual activism
    • Black
    • Church Trials
    • Civil Rights Movement
    • Clergy Activist
    • Conversion Therapy
    • EXHIBIT A Sampler of Early Documents
    • EXHIBIT Council on Religion and the Homosexual
    • EXHIBIT Rolling the Stone Away
    • Feminism
    • Gay Liberation Movement
    • International Human Rights
    • Latinx
    • Marriage Equality
    • motive
    • New Year's Ball (San Francisco)
    • Online activist
    • Ordination/clergy
    • Racism
    • Stonewall Riots (NYC)
    • Theology
    • Trans activism
    • Two Spirit
    • U.S. Military
    • Women and Religion
    • Youth
  • Geography
    • Africa
    • Alabama
    • Albany
    • Ann Arbor
    • Argentina
    • Arizona
    • Atlanta
    • Auckland
    • Austin
    • Australia
    • Birmingham
    • Boston
    • California
    • Canada
    • Chicago
    • Cleveland
    • Colorado
    • Connecticut
    • Dallas
    • Denver
    • Detroit
    • England
    • Florida
    • France
    • Georgia
    • Germany
    • Harrisburg
    • Hawaii
    • Illinois
    • Indiana
    • Iowa
    • Ireland
    • Ithaca
    • Japan
    • Kansas
    • Las Vegas
    • London
    • Long Beach
    • Los Angeles
    • Louisiana
    • Madison
    • Maine
    • Massachusetts
    • Melbourne
    • Michigan
    • Minneapolis
    • Minnesota
    • Mississippi
    • Missouri
    • Montreal
    • Nebraska
    • Netherlands
    • Nevada
    • New England
    • New Jersey
    • New York
    • New York City
    • New Zealand
    • North Carolina
    • North Dakota
    • Ohio
    • Omaha
    • Oregon
    • Paris
    • Pennsylvania
    • Philadelphia
    • Phoenix
    • Pittsburgh
    • Portland
    • Quebec
    • Raleigh
    • Reno
    • Rhode Island
    • Richmond
    • Rochester
    • Sacramento
    • Salt Lake City
    • San Francisco
    • Santa Ana
    • Seattle
    • South Africa
    • South America
    • South Carolina
    • St. Louis
    • St. Paul
    • Tampa Bay
    • Texas
    • Toledo
    • Toronto
    • United Kingdom
    • Utah
    • Virginia
    • Washington
    • Washington, D.C.
    • Wellington
    • Wisconsin
  • Organization
    • Affirmation (Gay and Lesbian Mormons)
    • Affirmation (United Methodist)
    • Aleph Melbourne
    • Al-Fatiha
    • Ascent (New Zealand)
    • Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (formerly American Baptists Concerned)
    • Beth Chayim Chadashim
    • Brethren-Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests
    • Catholic Worker Movement
    • Centre du Christ Liberateur (France)
    • Christian Association (University of Pennsylvania)
    • CLOUT (Christian Lesbians OUT)
    • Conference of Catholic Lesbians
    • Council on Religion and the Homosexual
    • Covenant Network of Presbyterians
    • Crossroads
    • Daughters of Bilitis (DOB)
    • Dignity
    • Emergence International
    • Equal Partners in Faith
    • Evangelical & Ecumenical Women's Caucus
    • Evangelicals Concerned
    • Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM)
    • Faith Temple (Washington, D.C.)
    • Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns
    • Gay Christian Community (South Africa)
    • Gay Christians (New Zealand)
    • George W. Henry Foundation
    • GLAD Alliance
    • Glide Memorial United Methodist Church
    • Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, CA)
    • GTU Gay Caucus
    • Homosexual Law Reform Society (New Zealand)
    • In All Things Charity
    • Insight Magazine
    • Institute for Social Ethics
    • Integrity
    • Interweave
    • Jewish LGBT+ Group (UK)
    • Kinship (Seventh Day Adventists)
    • Lazarus Project
    • Lesbian and Gay Christian Community of Wellington (New Zealand)
    • Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (United Kingdom)
    • Lesbian and Gay Interfaith Council of Minnesota
    • Mattachine Society
    • More Light Presbyterians (formerly Presbyterians for LGBT Concerns)
    • Naches
    • National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian & Gay Ministries (NACDLGM)
    • National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
    • National Religious Leadership Roundtable
    • New Ways Ministry
    • Nomenus
    • North American Conference of Homophile Organizations
    • OneBodyOneFaith
    • Open and Affirming in the UCC (ONA & formerly UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns)
    • Pacific School of Religion (Berkeley, CA)
    • PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
    • Quaker Emergency Services
    • Queer Nation Utah
    • Quest
    • Radical Faeries
    • Raleigh Religious Network for Lesbian & Gay Equality
    • Reconciling Ministries Network (formerly Reconciling Congregation Program)
    • Reconciling Works (formerly Lutherans Concerned)
    • Resource Center for Women and Ministry in the South
    • Riverside Church (NYC)
    • Shower of Stoles Project
    • Sisters in Gay Ministry Associated
    • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
    • Soulforce
    • Student Christian Movement (UK)
    • That All May Freely Serve (TAMFS)
    • The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries (TFAM)
    • Toronto Interfaith Network
    • Trans Faith
    • Union Theological Seminary
    • Unitarian Universalists for LGBT Concerns
    • Unity Fellowship Church Movement
    • WATER (Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual)
    • Witness Our Welcome
    • World Congress: Keshet Ga'avah (formerly International Conference of Gay and Lesbian Jews)
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Collections Tagged with: Catholic (Old Catholic Church)Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)

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