
Oral Histories

This page provides in-depth interviews with more than 70+ early leaders of LGBTQ+ religious movements. You can either listen to the audio or read the transcript of an interview.  You can also view biographical information and photographs about this diverse group of early activists and leaders.

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  • Person
    • Abdullah, Daayiee
    • Abrams, Allyson Bishop
    • Adewoye, John
    • Alison, James
    • Alpert, Rebecca
    • Alter, Levi Ethan
    • Anderson, Sky
    • Barnett, Jeanne
    • Barrett, Ruth
    • Bean, Carl
    • Beck, Evelyn "Evi" Torton
    • Bennett, Allen
    • Bowman, Mark
    • Bryant, Anita
    • Budapest, Z
    • Cardarelli, Richard
    • Carter, Mandy
    • Castellanos, Mari
    • Clement, Robert M.
    • Cole, Michael
    • Cook, Ann Thompson
    • Doclar, Charlotte
    • Doherty, Karen
    • Farajaje, Ibrahim
    • Flunder, Yvette
    • Franklin, Darlene
    • Frey, Jason
    • Garner, Darlene
    • Good, Theda
    • Gramick, Jeannine
    • Harmon, Cedric
    • Harrison, Beverly Wildung
    • Hassemer-Tiedeken, Manfred
    • Heyward, Carter
    • Holmes, Candy
    • Hunt, Mary E.
    • Hutchins, Loraine
    • Hyde, George
    • Jackson, Cari
    • Johnson, Deborah
    • Johnson, Malcolm
    • Jones, Zachary
    • Jordan, Lynn
    • Kennedy, Magora
    • Klaassen, Sarah
    • Kleinbaum, Sharon
    • Lawson, Sandra
    • Levine, Michael
    • Lightsey, Pamela
    • Litman, Jane
    • McAaron, Patrick
    • McCoy, Renee
    • McNaught, Brian
    • Mitchell, Louis
    • Mitulski, Jim
    • Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey
    • Moore, John V.
    • Neu, Diann L.
    • Noble, John
    • Northwood, Paula
    • Perry, Troy
    • Porter, Phil
    • Rawls, Tonyia
    • Rhue, Sylvia
    • Rippetoe, Rita
    • River, Falcon
    • River, Jade
    • Rodriguez, Larry
    • Roeschley, Annabeth
    • Rustin, Bayard
    • Satin, Barbara
    • Seele, Pernessa
    • Sidorowicz, Diane
    • Smith, Freda
    • Solberg, Randi
    • Spaulding, Randy
    • Swenson, Erin
    • Teague, Duncan
    • Thunderword, Jonathon
    • Townes, Emilie M.
    • Treadway, Leo
    • Valdez, Nickie
    • Wangerin, Bernd
    • Warner, Marnie
    • Washington-Leapheart, Kentina
    • Washington-Leapheart, Naomi
    • Wedmore, Keith
    • Wheatley, Bishop Melvin
    • Wilson, Nancy
    • Woody, Imani
    • Yetunde, Pamela Ayo
    • Ziegler, Karen
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  • Organization
    • Al-Fatiha
    • Balm in Gilead
    • Brethren-Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests
    • Church of the Beloved Disciple
    • City of Refuge
    • Conference of Catholic Lesbians
    • Council on Religion and the Homosexual
    • Dignity
    • European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups
    • Evangelical & Ecumenical Women's Caucus
    • Glide Memorial United Methodist Church
    • Homosexuelle und Kirche (HuK)
    • Human Rights Campaign
    • Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (United Kingdom)
    • Many Voices
    • More Light Presbyterians (formerly Presbyterians for LGBT Concerns)
    • National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays
    • National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
    • New Ways Ministry
    • Open and Affirming in the UCC (ONA & formerly UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns)
    • Open Church Group (Oslo)
    • Pink Menno
    • Reconciling Ministries Network (formerly Reconciling Congregation Program)
    • Reconciling Works (formerly Lutherans Concerned)
    • Reformed Congregation of the Goddess
    • Riverside Church (NYC)
    • Soulforce
    • The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries (TFAM)
    • Union Theological Seminary
    • Unity Fellowship Church Movement
    • WATER (Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual)
    • Wingspan Ministry (St. Paul)
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Oral Histories tagged with: Warner, MarnieMitchell, LouisHeyward, Carter

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