Sindt, David Papers
Span Dates: 1952-2019
Bulk Dates:
Volume: 3.5 cubic feet
Box 1: Index to collection by Barry Smith; Sindt biographical materials; education and ordination papers; call to LGBTQ ministry; Presbyterian Gay Caucus correspondence; Presbyterian Consultation on Homophobia
Box 2: PLGC correspondence, minutes, publications; More Light Churches conferences; TAMFS (That All May Freely Serve) Chicago newsletters and correspondence; sermons by David Sindt
Box 3: David Sindt Christmas letters; PLGC photographs and newsletters
Box 4: Audio cassettes of Sindt's memorial service; buttons from TAMFS, More Light Presbyterians, and PLGC; PGC corporate stamp seal
Hist/Bio Note
David Sindt was born in 1940 and grew up attending Presbyterian churches in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was ordained by the Presbytery of St. Paul in 1965. In 1972, the Session of Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church called David to serve as an assistant pastor and establish an outreach program to the local gay community, but this call was rejected by the Presbytery of Chicago the following year. This was believed to be the first call ever issued to an openly gay man by a Presbyterian congregation.
Sindt began sending letters to select Presbyterians early in 1974, hoping to seek out people who would be interested in advocating for gay concerns within the Church. Sindt’s letters initiated the formation of the Presbyterian Gay Caucus (PGC), which met for the first time at the 1974 General Assembly. Sindt spent the next five years as the PGC’s national coordinator, helping it to establish a network of LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies throughout the church who could support one another as they worked for full membership and ordination rights. The organization was renamed Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns (PLGC) in 1977, and continues its advocacy work today as More Light Presbyterians.
See also his profile.
Finding Aid
An online finding aid is available.
This collection held at the Presbyterian Historical Society, 425 Lombard Street, Philadelphia PA 19147-1516 USA.
Activist (religious institutions) | Chicago | Illinois | Presbyterian Church (USA) | More Light Presbyterians (formerly Presbyterians for LGBT Concerns) | Sindt, David