Southerners on New Ground Records
Span Dates: 1993-2015
Bulk Dates:
Volume: 17.3 linear feet
The accession (2009-0098) (9.6 lin. ft.; dated 1993-2004) includes administrative and financial records, programming materials, and organizational files, all stemming from retreats, training, workshops, and community events sponsored or promoted by SONG. The accession also includes SONG materials from the Bayard Rustin project, People of Color activities, Pride at Work, and the Highlander Economy Educational Institute, among others. The accession (2015-0113) (2.9 lin. ft.; dated 2006-2015) was donated by Caitlin Breedlove, Co-Director of SONG from 2006-2015. It includes administrative and financial records, programming information, flyers and promotional materials and research related to campaign initiatives from her time in the SONG leadership.
Hist/Bio Note
According to the organization's website, Southerners on New Ground (SONG) is an intersectional activist organization that works to build, connect, and sustain those in the South who believe in liberation across all lines of race, class, culture, gender and sexuality. It was established in 1994 following a National Lesbian and Gay Task Force meeting. SONG is currently headquartered in Atlanta with regional offices across the South. Although primarily focused on civil rights at this time, SONG respects and supports spiritual wholeness for individuals without any religious or denominational orientation.
Finding Aid
An online finding aid is available
David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Box 90185
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0185
Ally | Atlanta | Georgia