Whosoever Magazine Online Archives
Span Dates: 1996-2013
Bulk Dates:
Volume: Online magazine
The Whosoever website includes an on-line archives of past issues dating back to the magazine's founding in 1996. The collection is arranged chronologically. There is also an author index and Google search across the website as of January/February 2014.
Hist/Bio Note
Whosoever was founded as a bi-monthly print magazine in 1996, but to avoid the costs of printing, the magazine went online in the March/April 1997 issue. Candace Chellew-Hodge founded the magazine after despairing over the scarcity of resources for GLBT Christians and the continued condemnation of the GLBT community by other Christian publications.
Featuring interviews with such community leaders as Bishop John Shelby Spong, John J. McNeil, Philip Yancey and others, Whosoever provides unique insights into GLBT spirituality. The magazine explores many topics of faith from the GLBT perspective including grace, spiritual self-defense, loving one's enemies and living a life of integrity.
Whosoever is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is wholly supported by its readers and contributors.
Finding Aid
This is an online archives. Follow the link from "There's more! Search eight years of issues."
McNeill, John J. | Spong, Shelby | Chellew-Hodge, Candace | Ecumenical