
LGBTQ-RAN Educational Resource Prize | Guidelines

To further the teaching and instruction of LGBTQ+ history in various classroom contexts, the LGBTQ Religious Archives Network offers this annual LGBTQ-RAN Educational Resource Prize. Inaugurated in 2021, the prize honors scholars and teachers developing curricular and instructional materials for the teaching of LGBTQ+ religious history at all levels of education from primary to higher education, as well as in congregational or community settings.  A key purpose of this prize is to support and amplify the development of these educational resources and to make excellent resources available to the public by publishing them (with authors’ permission and with acknowledgement and citation) on the LGBTQ-RAN website in order to amplify awareness about the important contribution of the LGBTQ+ community to religious history.  

Submission Guidelines

LGBTQ-RAN invites submissions of curricular and instructional materials developed in aiding the teaching of LGBTQ+ religious history for the LGBTQ-RAN Educational Resource Prize. The following types of materials will be eligible for consideration in the prize:

  • Curriculum Materials: course syllabus, course/unit/class Plan, student activity/project outlines, student discussion group outlines, case studies, teaching guides.
  • Instructional Materials: class presentations (PowerPoints, Prezi, etc.), video and audio materials (produced and lecture-based), introduction text and articles for students, handouts/worksheets for teaching with rubrics, educational games and role-playing guides, podcasts (with transcripts). Any included material that is not original to the submitter should acknowledge authorship/origins.

This is not an exhaustive list of materials that could apply to this prize but a list of examples. Some submissions might include both curriculum and instructional materials. For example, a course plan might have video materials and introduction text submitted together.

Because this prize allows for a diverse array of materials to be considered, we would ask that submitters include an abstract/overview of not more than 250 words in length, explaining the educational context and learning objectives and giving a brief “tour” of the submitted materials.  Please also explain how this submission addresses LGBTQ+ religious history. 

Submissions are accepted from all people interested in LGBTQ+ religious history and the teaching of it in diverse contexts. All submissions will be evaluated according to the same criteria.  An educational resource can be submitted once; please do not resubmit materials that were submitted previously.  

Please complete this electronic submissions form and attach the file with your resources.  Submissions must be received electronically by June 30, 2025.  Documents can be submitted in .pdf, .doc, .rtf, or .wpd formats. Audio-visual materials should be posted on accessible format such as Youtube with links for access.  

The winning submission will receive a $500 prize. LGBTQ-RAN will feature the winning curriculum on our website and will share through our networks. Honorable mentions will be invited to have their curriculum published on the website, as well. (All materials will be edited prior to publication to clearly acknowledge instructors/authors).