Exceptionally Queer: Sexuality and Gender in Mormonism
On Thursday, July 21, 2022, Rev. Dr. Jim Mitulski moderated a conversation with K. Mohrman, author of the newly-published Exceptionally Queer: Mormon Peculiarity and U.S. Nationalism, and Taylor Petrey, author of the 2020 Tabernacles of Clay: Sexuality and Gender in Modern Mormonism. Morhman’s critical work is a powerful rethinking of Mormonism and its place in U.S. history, culture, and politics, arguing that Mormon peculiarity is a potent expression of U.S. exceptionalism. Petrey’s research posits that Mormonism is conflicted between ontologies of gender essentialism and gender fluidity, illustrating a broader tension in the history of sexuality in modernity itself.
K. Mohrman, Ph.D. is a Clinical Teaching Track Assistant Professor in the Ethnic Studies program at the University of Colorado Denver. Her work examines formations and histories of sexuality, race, religion, gender, and nation in the context of nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first century US imperialism. She received the 2018-2019 LGBT Religious History Award. Her book Exceptionally Queer: Mormon Peculiarity and US Exceptionalism, will be published by University of Minnesota Press in June 2022.
Taylor G. Petrey, Ph.D. is an associate professor of religion at Kalamazoo College and chair of the religion department. He holds a ThD and MTS from Harvard Divinity School and is author most recently of Tabernacles of Clay: Gender and Sexuality in Modern Mormonism (UNC Press, 2020). He is the current editor of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought.
Rev. Dr. Jim Mitulski is a pastor, activist, community organizer, and fundraiser. He has pastored churches in the United Church of Christ and the Metropolitan Community Churches. He served as the denominational Director of Development and Clergy Vocations for the MCC Churches and taught courses at the Pacific School of Religion and currently at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. He is now the Interim Pastor at Peace UCC in Duluth, Minnesota.
Mitulski, Jim | Mormon (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)