Queering Our Roots | Sponsors
Thank you to the partners and allies of our 2021 Queering Our Roots campaign.
The Center for LGBTQ & Gender Studies in Religion (CLGS)
Eden Theological Seminary
Iliff School of Theology
MCC Boston
Pacific School of Religion
Archival Allies
CLGS Archives Project
Riverside Church
Mennonite USA Archives
Robert J. Barzan
Evelyn Torton Beck
Dan Blackford
Mark Bowman in memory of Ellie Charlton
Bruce Calvin & David Showers
Steve Carson
Ellie Charlton
Congregation Bet Haverim
Jimmy Creech in memory of Chris Weedy
Marianne Duddy-Burke in honor of Mark Bowman
Lisa Edwards in honor of Mark Bowman
Brendan Faye in memory of John McNeill
Carl Foote
Gabrielle Garcia
Jane Heckles
Doug Heyboer in honor of Richard Peterson
Jordan Heykoop
Mary E. Hunt in honor of Marianne Duddy- Burke & Jim Mitulski
William R. Johnson in honor of Jan Griesinger
Suzanna Krivulskaya
Nancy E. Krody
Joel Kushner in honor of Mark Bowman and our 20th anniversary
Marjorie Larney in honor of Rev. Christina Hutchins
Doris Malkmus
William J. Matson in honor of my many United Methodist queer friends
Monique Moultrie
Alton Mozingo in honor of Rev. Troy D. Perry
Wes Mullins in honor of Troy Perry
Larry Neff in honor of Mark Bowman
Troy Perry in honor of Phillip Ray De Blieck
Rick Peterson
Stedney Phillips in memory of Rev. Elder Freda Smith
Ruth Potts in honor of Evie Beck
Dusty Pruitt
Hal Reed
Irene Renaldy
Bob Roehm
Marti Scheel
Laurel Schneider in honor of Mark Bowman
Mark Shenise in memory of Kenneth Rowe
Barry Smith in honor of Mark Bowman
James Bix South
Janie Spahr in memory of Virginia West Davidson
Jim Spahr in honor of Janie Spahr
Frank Staggs
William Stell
B.J. Stiles
Richard Taylor in memory of Robert Wood
Wendy & Ellen Sweetin Taylor in memory of Rev. Carl Bivens
Emilie Townes
Marnie Warner
Bill Wood
Ralph Wushke in honor of William R. Host
Stan Yogi & David Carroll
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