

Cornell Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Coalition Records

Span Dates: 1968-1992
Bulk Dates:
Volume: 7.1 cubic feet


This collection includes founding documents of Cornell's Student Homophile League (SHL), and correspondence, logbooks, financial records, bibliographies, minutes, photographs, event flyers and broadsides of the SHL and of Cornell student LGBTQIA+ student activism under subsequent names through 1999. Of interest is that students approached Jesuit Father Daniel Berrigan as faculty advisor. Additional history of Cornell's Student Homophile League and transcripts of interviews with SHL founders Jearld Moldenhauer, Janis Kelly, and Robert Roth, can be found in the Haftan M. Eckholdt papers, #7622, also at the Cornell Human Sexuality Collection.

Hist/Bio Note

Following Columbia University students' lead, in May 1968, Cornell student government approved the creation of the second gay college student organization in the nation. Jearld F. Moldenhauer, one of the founders, convinced student government to waive the requirement that the new group submit a list of its members' names and recruited Father Daniel Berrigan of Cornell United Religious Work to sign on as the first faculty advisor.

Finding Aid

An online finding aid is available.


The collection is housed in the Human Sexuality Collection, a Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY.


Ithaca | New York | Clergy Activist | Catholic (Roman)