Items tagged with “Catholic (Roman)”:
Oral Histories
Online Exhibits
Archival Collections
- American Religions Collection of Gordon Melton
- Archacki, Carl Papers
- Archive of the Dutch Association for the Integration of Homosexuality (COC)
- Ascent [Wellington, New Zealand] Ephemera
- Association David & Jonathan Collection
- Auckland Community Church Records
- Barrett, Ellen M. Papers
- Bartron, Harry Papers
- Benemann, William Collection of Dignity/San Francisco Records
- Bentley, Ester Collection
- Bentley, Ester F. Papers
- Bussen, Jim Papers
- Cahill, Martin Papers and Ascent Wellington Records
- Cardarelli, Richard Papers
- Cohen, Sally H. Oral History Interview
- Communication Ministry, Inc. Records
- Conference for Catholic Lesbians Records
- Córdova, Jeanne Papers and Photographs
- Cornell Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Coalition Records
- Daly, Mary Papers
- Dignity Archive
- Dignity Collection (Portland, Oregon)
- Dignity/Central Pennsylvania Chapter Keystone Newsletters
- Dignity/Detroit Collection
- Dignity/Hartford Collection of Richard Cardarelli
- Dignity/New York Collection
- Dignity/New York, President Michael Olivieri Records
- Dignity/Providence Collection
- Dignity/San Francisco Records
- Dignity/Seattle Records
- Dignity/Tampa Bay Records
- Dignity/USA Records
- Farians, Elizabeth Papers
- Fertig, Jack (Sister Boom Boom) Oral History Interview
- Flint, Tom (Santidhamma, Bhikkhu) Papers
- Fortunate Families Records
- Garcia, Rick Papers
- Gay and Lesbian History Collection
- Gay Sunshine Records
- Godfrey, Donal Interviews Conducted for Gay and Gray: the History and Significance of the Inclusion of the Gay Community at Most Holy Redeemer Parish, San Francisco
- Gross, Sally Papers
- Gumbleton, Thomas J. Collection
- Halan, Dennis Papers
- Heureux, Romeo Oral History Interview
- History of Dignity/Central Pennsylvania by Richard Hill and Gerry Brennan
- Hunt, Mary E. Papers
- Hunthausen, Raymond G. Scrapbooks
- Hupp, Elsie Oral History
- Insight Magazine Collection
- International Gay Information Center Ephemera Files - Subjects -
- Interviews for "Gay and Gray"
- Journeys of Faith Exhibition Collection of GALA (South Africa)
- Kavanaugh, John L. Papers 1970-2011
- Killian, Joe Photographs and Papers
- Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, Quest and Other Religious Groups Collection
- Lesbian Catholics Together Records
- Lockwood, Sidella Oral History Interview
- Manahan, Nancy Papers
- McBride, Dennis Collection on LGBTQ Las Vegas, Nevada
- McKenna, David Papers
- McNaught, Brian Papers
- McNeill, John J. and Charles Chiarelli Gay and Lesbian Liberation Collection
- Michiels van Kessenich, Floris Archives
- Miles, Tom and Audrey Papers
- National Catholic AIDS Network Records
- Neu, Diann L. Papers
- New Ways Ministry (U.S.) Records
- Nugent, Robert, S.D.S. Papers
- O'Shea, Kathleen and Sarah Alida Conde O'Shea Papers
- Prairie Lesbian/Gay Community Records
- Quest: a Group for Homosexual Catholics Ephemera Collection
- Quest: A Group for Lesbian and Gay Catholics Records
- Records of the International Foundation for Gender Education
- Robison, Gil Papers
- Sinclair, Ken Papers
- Stonewall National Museum and Archives Religion Files
- Tanner, Enzi Oral History
- Tavera, Hank M. Papers
- Trollinger, Jeff Papers
- University of Notre Dame. Core Council for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Questioning Students Records
- Weaver, Alan Papers
- Wisnieski, Carol Jean Collection of Pope John II Protest Materials
- Young, Richmond Papers