McKenna, David Papers
Span Dates: 1996-2007
Bulk Dates:
Volume: 1 box
This collection documents the founding and work of the Rainbow Sash Movement in Melbourne, Australia.
Hist/Bio Note
The Rainbow Sash Movement is an organisation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender Catholics, with their families and friends, who are publicly calling the Catholic Church to conversion of heart around issues of human sexuality. The Movement was established in Melbourne in response to the refusal in 1997 by London’s Cardinal Basil Hume, and Melbourne’s Archbishop George Pell and Cardinal John O'Connor, to provide communion to gay Catholics. On Pentecost Sunday 1998 a group of 70 people attended Mass in St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, wearing the Rainbow Sash. Central to this process was the development of the movement's Core Statement:
“In wearing The Rainbow Sash, we proclaim that we are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender people who embrace and celebrate our sexuality as a Sacred Gift.
In wearing the sash, we call the church:
• to honour our wisdom and experience;
• to enter into public dialogue with us;
• to work with us for justice and understanding.
Together, let us seek a new appreciation of human sexuality in all of its diversity and beauty.”
Convenors of the group at its formation, were Michael B. Kelly, Geoffrey Baird, David Barker, Ivan Tchernegovski, and David McKenna.
Finding Aid
A finding aid is available at the AQuA reading room.
This collection is housed at the Australian Queer Archives (AQuA)
PO Box 2124 St Kilda West
VIC 3182 Australia
Australia | Catholic (Roman) | Melbourne