Garner, Bruce Papers
Span Dates: 1980-2000
Bulk Dates:
Volume: 6 linear ft.
The Bruce Garner papers consist of subject files, printed material, and audiovisuals regarding Bruce Garner’s activism in the LGBTQ community. It includes material related to his work with the Episcopal Church, including the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's Commission on AIDS and Integrity.
Hist/Bio Note
Bruce Garner was an LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS activist who spent most of his life in Atlanta, Georgia. He was deeply involved in the fight against AIDS in Atlanta and volunteered with the All Saints Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. He served on the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta’s Commission on AIDS and worked with Integrity. More information is available in the collection’s finding aid.
Finding Aid
A finding aid is available online.
The collection is located at Emory University in the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.
Episcopal Church | Integrity | Activist (religious institutions) | AIDS | Atlanta | Georgia