

Reconciling Ministries, Indiana Conference Collection

Span Dates: 2007-2013
Bulk Dates: 2007-2011
Volume: .175 linear feet


The records include minutes, correspondence, by-laws, membership, training materials, general information about the larger organization, and lists of book and media resources.

Hist/Bio Note

The Reconciling Ministries within the (South) Indiana Conference was a part of the Reconciling Ministries Network of Chicago, Ill. The group sought to minister to those United Methodists who identified themselves as homosexual or who were supportive of acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle within the United Methodist Church. The organization was also involved in political action within the church such as changing the denominations by-laws and within society generally through support of hate-crimes legislation.

Finding Aid

An online finding aid is available.


Part of the Archives of DePauw University and Indiana United Methodism Repository Roy O. West Library 405 S. Indiana St. Greencastle Indiana 46135 United States


Methodist (UMC, United Methodist Church) | Activist (religious institutions) | Indiana