D. Darnell Fennell
The Rev. D. Darnell Fennell was born the youngest son of three children on December 7, 1987 to the proud parentage of Jeannie and Russell Fennell. He received his early education in his native hometown of Houston, Texas, and was graduated from Elsik High School in 2006. Darnell then attended the University of Houston, receiving a B.S. degree in Psychology with a minor in Religious Studies. While at the University of Houston he had a theological crisis of faith with his Baptist tradition and his queer identity. Post undergrad he would journey to Berkeley, California as a Fund for Theological Education Fellow to explore a progressive theological education. He earned a Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) degree from Pacific School of Religion in 2014 and the Paul Wesley Preaching award. In August 2014, he was ordained as a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with standing in the Fellowship of Affirming Ministries and The United Church of Christ.
Rev. Fennell is a new church planter in Houston Texas. He returned to Houston in 2014 to start Just Love, a Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ new church plant. Just Love is a faith community created by those who have been marginalized by church and society, working together for wholeness for all people rooted in a theological ethic of living out Just Love. Just Love is the only Open and Affirming Disciples of Christ congregation in the Houston area. In 2017, in addition to pastoring Just Love, he has become the transitional pastor of University Christian Church, a historically black church in Houston. His calling made him the first openly gay pastor to serve this congregation. Darnell also serves on the Disciples Alliance leadership council. The Alliance is the movement within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) working to set a place at the table for persons of all gender expressions and sexual orientations.
(This biographical statement provided by Darnell Fennell.)
Biography Date: September 2017
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) | GLAD Alliance | Pacific School of Religion (Berkeley, CA) | Black | Clergy Activist | Houston | Texas | EXHIBIT Rolling the Stone Away
“D. Darnell Fennell | Profile”, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 11, 2025, https://lgbtqreligiousarchives.org/profiles/d-darnell-fennell.