
Bishop David Strong


Bishop David C. Strong is a native of Cairo, Illinois. He was born to the family of the Rev. Elder Melvin & Mrs. Bertha Strong. He is the grandson of Ida Julius and Mattie Julius Brown, who raised him and taught him the spiritual practices of worship, scripture study and service to the community.

He completed theological studies at University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Emmaus Institute of the International Christian Community Churches in Atlanta, Georgia. He also completed the University of Washington’s certificate programs in Human Service Management and Nonprofit Management. He has been selected as a fellow of the Rockwood Leadership Institute Fellowship. He has served as the Executive Director of the AIDS Housing Association of Tacoma, Washington since 2006.

Bishop Strong has been a strong advocate of equality for all people, especially racial and sexual minorities. He served as a founding member of the Religious Coalition for Equality, and serves on the Pride Foundation Board and the University of Washington Advisory Board for Nonprofit Management Program. He is a former member of the boards of the University of Washington’s Covenant House Campus Ministry and Multifaith Works.

Bishop David Strong has served as pastor of Sojourner Truth Christian United Church since May, 2008. Bishop Strong was ordained to the Independent Catholic priesthood in November, 1992, and was consecrated a bishop in September, 1996. He served in the Apostolic Catholic Church in America until 2006. He joined the International Christian Community Churches and served on the Governing Board from 2006 to 2008. He was elected interim pastor of Sojourner Truth Christian United Church in August, 2007 and elected pastor in May 2008. The church has grown under his leadership with an emphasis on discipleship and a commitment to weekly communion and a community centered in Christ.

Bishop Strong and several other clergy formed the Christian United Church in 2009. This newly-formed church draws it charism from the missionary spirit of John Wesley and Richard Allen, founders of Methodism and African Methodism, with a commitment to a sacramental life and social justice. At the first Annual Conference he was elected and seated as bishop of this newly emerging denomination with clergy and churches in United States, Poland and Kosovo. His episcopal motto is “Taste and See The Goodness of the Lord” based on Psalm 34 and the Bishop’s personal mission of building inclusive, eucharistic-centered congregations as a spiritual practice.

(This biographical statement provided by Szymon Niemiec on behalf of David Strong.)

Biography Date: September, 2011

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Catholic (Independent Catholic Church of Americas (ICCA)) | Black | Clergy Activist | Strong, David


“Bishop David Strong | Profile”, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 14, 2025, https://lgbtqreligiousarchives.org/profiles/david-strong.


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