
Rev. Hong Tan


The Rev. Hong K. Tan was elected to the Board of Elders of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches in 1993 during his term as District Coordinator of the European North Sea District.  Rev. Tan founded Metropolitan Community Church of North London and was its Senior Pastor for seven years.  He was also the first Asian District Coordinator and ordained clergyperson in UFMCC.

Born in Singapore, Rev. Tan completed his graduate degree in physiology at the University of London and completed his Masters in Business Administration. He did nine years postgraduate research in liver cancer at University College Medical School and published numerous papers. He has founded HIV/AIDS and People of Colors organizations and has cared for people with HIV/AIDS.

Rev. Elder Tan was a member of the UFMCC delegation to the 1998 World Council of Churches General Assembly in Zimbabwe and facilitated the process for recruitment and selection of the District Coordinator for the Northeast and Eastern Canadian Districts. He was also a key organizer of the Asian-Pacific Islander Leadership Institute. Tan also participated in the Lambeth Conference of the Church of England and witnessed through various United Kingdom print, television and radio media outlets, while continuing work on behalf of people with HIV/AIDS in London through the London Ecumenical AIDS Trust of Westminster Abbey.

Tan visited more than fifteen churches and attended District Conferences in the Mid-Atlantic, Gulf/Lower Atlantic, and European Districts. He was one of the featured speakers at the 1999 Charismatic Conference sponsored by MCC-Long Beach, California. He was a member of the Strategic Growth Initiative Team and served as liaison to Excel, the Philippines, and HIV ministries. Tan returned as Senior Pastor to Metropolitan Community Church North London in October, 1997, in addition to continuing with his full-time secular employment as Associate Director at National Health Services, one of the larger London Health Authorities. As part of the secular work, he represented the Health Authority at the Prince of Wale’s 50th Anniversary Lecture at St James’s Palace.

“There is such a need for our vision by all faith communities,” Tan says.  “I am even more convinced of this after our witness at the World Council of Churches. We are on the cusp of a major opening of the world to God’s inclusive gospel through us. I am very excited about our links with our communities in Asia, especially the hard work with partners in Ecumenical Witness, Encounter Missions International, and partner churches. We have opportunities, especially in China, to witness to over 20% of the world’s population.”

Rev. Elder Tan retired from the Board of Elders in 2003 and continues in the National Health Service as London's first Sexual Health Programme Director, lead commissioning to improve Sexual Health and HIV. He also is co-ordinating the planning of Sexual Health services for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

(This biographical statement provided by Hong Tan.)

Hong Tan died on February 9, 2023.  His sister wrote this narrative for a GoFundMe page to establish scholarships in memory of Hong Tan.

Hi, my name is Kim Yu, and I am starting this gofundme in honor of my dearest brother, Hong Tan, who passed away February 9th, 2023. Hong was not just an amazing brother to me and our family but a compassionate advocate, strong leader, humble servant, with a heart of justice, who spent his life in service to the LGBTQ community and many more. He founded the Metropolitan Community Church of North London and was its Senior Pastor for seven years. He was also the first Asian District Coordinator and ordained clergyperson in UFMCC. He went on to become an elder and also founded HIV/AIDS and People of Colors organizations and cared for people with HIV/AIDS. In addition, he worked in senior management in the National Health Service, working with departments that spanned pregnancy services, renal care, and HIV/AIDS care. He also was the Director for Sexual Health for the 2012 London Olympics. More recently Hong led the Health in the Justice commissioning team at NHS England (London) to provide a range of physical health, mental health and wellbeing services for people along the justice pathways, in order to improve quality of services and health outcomes.

Despite graduating in Physiology with a BSc (Hons), getting his MBA, and working in science and healthcare, Hong was deep down an artist. He excelled at music in his youth, playing both the violin and the piano, and was a leader for his school film society, and leader of his school and Liverpool Youth Orchestra. He taught himself art, was a connoisseur of musicals, theater and shows, and later in life would travel to paint and draw. He shared his love of music, art and all things creative with me and those all around him. He became a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and would exhibit art every year in a small gallery in London. All blessed to be in his inner circle, know of his passion for art, food, and music.

I am raising money to start a foundation that will fund an international online art scholarship that will award LGBTQ youth scholarships and awards to encourage and support their passion for art. From painting, mixed media, digital art, music, poetry, dance, to other artistic forms, it is my sincere hope to honor my brother by continuing a legacy that will inspire LGBTQ youth in the arts and for them to know that they do not journey alone, that with love and support, they can achieve their dreams.

Please help by donating generously. We are so grieving the loss of Hong, but know that this would be something that he would have loved, and that we can continue his memory through this International LGBTQ Art festival. Thank you so much for helping us honor our dear Hong.

A sermon he wrote and delivered to the World Council of Churches, Zimbabwe, 1999: https://archive.wfn.org/1999/01/msg00024.html

Biography Date: February, 2010

Additional Resources

Metropolitan Community Churches released this In Memoriam statement for Hong Tan:


MCC | AIDS | Clergy Activist | International Human Rights | United Kingdom | Singapore | Asia


“Rev. Hong Tan | Profile”, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 10, 2025, https://lgbtqreligiousarchives.org/profiles/hong-tan.


“I met Hong at the MCC 2000 conference in Los Angeles that I attended. (I'm on record in the conference report with my Africa address.) Judy Dahl introduced me to him and then I spent several times during the conference in conversation with him. What an enlightened mind with so much knowledge. This all with a humble and gentle spirit. As a Theological graduate myself he broadened my learning base greatly. I have and will always be in his debt for this. I am poorer for not being in his North London congregation but then my career was here in Cape Town.   After returning I continued to converse with him via email over the years but then I think we both got too busy.   I am now retired and have the time to go through all and everyone I have been involved with throughout my life and have now put Hong at the top of that exercise. Reminiscing about him through the notes and photos is not going to be easy, but then that's life.”
 – as remembered by Roger Olivier on February 14, 2023

Know Hong Tan? Tell us your experience.
(All entries are reviewed by the LGBT-RAN office before posting.)