
Christian de la Huerta


With over 30-years experience, Christian de la Huerta is a sought-after spiritual teacher, personal transformation coach, and leading voice in the LGBTQ and Breathwork communities. He is an award-winning author, retreat facilitator, and relationships expert. 

Christian was born into a large, close-knit family and raised in Havana, Cuba until his family immigrated to Milledgeville, Georgia during his grade school years, later moving to Miami, Florida, where the majority of his family still reside. He is the son of prominent Cuban psychiatrist René de la Huerta and his mother, Raquel, a determined and courageous woman who along with her husband, moved their 9 children from the tumultuous political climate in Cuba to the United States. Having earned a degree in psychology, Christian was prepared to follow the footsteps of his father until a spiritual awakening guided him down a different path. 

From a young age, Christian always had a sense of mission and a desire to serve people. With the moves from Cuba to Spain, Georgia, and then Miami, he faced “otherness.” When he arrived in Milledgeville, he did not speak English. He picked it up quickly, including a Southern accent. However, once his family moved to Miami, he was seen as “other” again, in a Jesuit school that was predominantly Cuban-American, due to the Southern accent. He struggled trying to reconcile his religion with his budding sexuality. Even at a young age, he knew he was gay. As a senior in high school, Christian went as far as to speak to the head of the Jesuit region to explore joining the order and becoming a priest. A wise man, the head of the novitiate suggested that he attend college for a few years before making up his mind. During that time, he fell in love and was finally able to bridge his understanding of the physical body and pleasure with love and spirituality. He finally fully accepted himself as a gay Latino man. 

By his late 20s, Christian had a good job, a beautiful apartment by the water in South Beach, and a life that many dream of. However, following a life-changing breathwork session, he had a vision of something more, returning again to the theme of service. A few months later, he quit his job, broke up with his boyfriend, sold his condo and belongings, and went off on a spiritual adventure. He dedicated the next phase of his life to fulfilling his mission of serving others and freeing himself of limiting beliefs and social, religious and familial conditioning that prevented him from living into his purpose. He emerged from the experience with the wisdom, clarity and passion to support others on that same journey. Christian’s unique self-development programs are featured around the world; his message has been delivered in university lecture halls, retreat centers, corporate boardrooms, houses of worship, and the TEDx stage. Christian's programs, including his virtual group coaching program, Adventures in Transformation, all share a single mission: to create profound personal transformation. His retreats, workshops, and other events are known for their life-changing effects, offering inspiring and transformative exploration of our innate human potential. They are designed to help people get free and step into their authentic power in order to enjoy lives of meaning and purpose and relationships that work. One driving theme in his teachings is the empowerment of women, stemming from his belief that that is the single most important thing that needs to happen in the world. “When women are in 50% of power in the world, we’ll have a different relationship to war, poverty, hunger, social justice, wealth distribution, education, how we treat the environment—all of it.” 

Christian's award-winning book, Coming Out Spiritually, was chosen by Publisher’s Weekly as one of the 10 best religion books of its year and was widely regarded critically as a trend-setting accomplishment in its field. His newest book, Awakening the Soul of Power, the first in the 3-book series Calling All Heroes, inspires readers to engage power in new ways that transform their relationship to power, generating deeper levels of fulfillment and personal freedom. 

For the last ten years the Goddess Temple in Miami has been home to Soulful Power retreats, workshops and breathwork sessions. However, the global pandemic and the advent of his virtual group coaching programs shifted Christian’s thinking about a stationary retreat center. In late 2021 Christian said goodbye to his Miami home/retreat center to focus on completing the second and third books of his trilogy, Calling All Heroes, while also making space for the next iteration of the Goddess Temple. He will continue to offer transformational teachings from various locations, continuing his legacy of empowerment, purpose, and leadership for the LGBTQ community and anyone searching for answers to life’s deep questions. 

To learn more about Christian and Soulful Power programs and to purchase his newest book, Awakening the Soulful Power, go to soulfulpower.com

(This biographical statement written by Vanesa Evers from an interview with Christian de la Huerta and edited by de la Huerta.).

Biography Date: January, 2005; rev. November 2021

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Gay Spirituality | Author/editor | Latinx | Miami | Florida


“Christian de la Huerta | Profile”, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed July 26, 2024, https://lgbtqreligiousarchives.org/profiles/christian-de-la-huerta.


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