
Stan C. Kimer


Stan C. Kimer is long-time active lay leader within the Metropolitan Community Churches and the North Carolina Council of Churches. In addition to his ministries within the Christian Community, Kimer served as IBM’s corporate global GLBT (Gay Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender) diversity program manager from 1999 – 2004. He remained active as one of IBM’s “out” GLBT executives until his retirement from IBM in March, 2010.  Later in 2010, Kimer formed Total Engagement Consulting by Kimer, Inc., providing consulting services and training in LGBT Diversity and Career Road Mapping and Development.

Stan Kimer in AfricaAfter coming out in 1990, Kimer first became active in St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Within his local church he served in stewardship and diversity ministries. He then served within the former MCC district structure and later in the denominational role as chair of the MCC Commission on the Laity. From 2007 through July 2012, Kimer served as chair of MCC’s Ecumenical and Inter-religious team, and continues to be on the moderator’s leadership development team.

In the late 1990’s, Kimer also got involved in the North Carolina Council of Churches, which is comprised of eighteen denominations including MCC and several independent congregations.  His first involvement was on the Racial Justice Committee and in late 1990s was elected to the Council executive board. As an out gay man within the NC Council of Churches, Kimer served two one-year terms as president in 2011 and 2012.

Since 2013, Kimer has been a long-distance member of Neema MCC in Mtito Andei, Kenya, which is pastored by Rev. Michael Kimindu.  Kimer has been instrumental in raising funds to purchase land and build an LGBT-affirming ministry center in that Kenyan community.

Kimer has his Bachelor of Science degree from Georgia Tech and his M.B.A. degree in Finance and Accounting from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.  He currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina with Rich, his partner of 25 years.

(This biographical statement prepared by Stan Kimer.)

Biography Date: September, 2010

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MCC | Kimindu, Michael | Activist (religious institutions) | International Human Rights | North Carolina | Raleigh | Kimer, Stan


“Stan C. Kimer | Profile”, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed October 22, 2024, https://lgbtqreligiousarchives.org/profiles/stan-c-kimer.


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